Well it all started Friday night after Blair went to bed at 8:00. (he had to work early the next morning.) I was down stairs watching TV. with the kids, I decided to start texting people. I know 4 people that will always text me back. Leslie, Aunt Sharee, Uncle Brad, and Todd. They all did. So I was talking to Uncle Brad and told him that he should come down and visit us on Saturday. He told me that me my mom and the kids should come up to Riverton to see them. So we did. We had so much fun. The Mullins' came the Hendricksens came and so did Lacey and the kids. We started out we some Rock Band. Fun and yes we made a great band. First it was Todd at the mic. Haley and I mixed it up between the guitar and the drums. Then we decided to play Apples to Apples while Leslie and Brady to over with the band. If you haven't ever played apples you really need to. We laughed and laughed. Gena had a hard time with the word HMO. So she laid it down and said HOMO. That was it she had everyone rolling. LaterI went back to the band Leslie continued to sing. She was so good that she sang her husband and her daddy to sleep.
The kids also had a lot of fun. There was a lot of kids to. They got to run and yell and play and pretty much do what ever they wanted. There was one point where Chase got some chips and dumped them all over the ground and all the kids danced in them. It was a great night with a lot of good food and fun. Thanks guys.