Monday, November 17, 2008

The Flu Season

RRRR... So Saturday morning both Presley and I wake up with stuffy noses. So I did the whole bulb syringe thing. Presley just loved that. I took some meds and we went back to sleep. We woke back up around 10:30, and decided to start our day. After going to my grandma's house. Then battling Toys-R-Us and the Mall, I could barley keep my head up. So Both Presley and I took some more meds and went to bed. Sunday I was so sick. I stayed in bed until 11:30ish Blair had the kids. He fed them, and they all watched shows. When i finely drug my self out of bed I went down stairs and fell asleep on the couch. lol, I think that I was more tired then sick. Anyway I woke up this morning feeling great. So to all of you that haven't got it yet. You will. So take my advice get a lot of sleep and make your husbands take care of the kids.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Well we had a lot of fun this year trick or treating. We got all dressed up and walked down to the church for the infamous Trunk or Treating. There was a ton of people there. But as they say the more the merrier. The Kids got so much candy. After the Trunk or Treat was over we did our yearly traditions. We went to Blair's aunt and uncles house and as always there were sloppy joe's doughnuts and a bunch of treats. So we sat and visited with them for a while. Then we went over to see my dad. He stays home on Halloween because he likes to give out the candy and keep Bear safe. After that we went down to the "Hallam Pumpkin Patch" and seen there little Pumpkin. She was so cute.