OK to all you parents out there. Always put you cans in the outside trash or make sure your kids cant get to them. Sunday night I had made candy yams to take over to Blair's parents house. Well I didn't cut the can lid off all the way so that I could drain it out. Well I put the cans in the trash not thinking another thing about it. The next morning "Monday" I hear Presley screaming like I have never heard before. I ran into the kitchen and she had stuck her hand down in to the can and it was pinned in there because of the lid. She kept pulling and I was trying to keep her from pulling her had out. but she did. It was not a pretty sight. she cut her ring finger and her pinkie finger BAD. I could see what was either tissue or fat coming out and in case you didn't know this about me I can not handle blood, and there was a lot of it. So we went in to Presley's room and sat on the floor cause I knew if i didn't I would pass out. McKayden ran and grabbed me the phone and I called Sandy Blair's mom, she works at our doctors office. Then I called my mom and told her to get to my house because there was no way I was going to be able to drive. Sandy called me back and said that a doctor was waiting for me. Then my mom made it to my house in just over two minutes, seriously, and we flew to the doctors. well and hour and a half later, and about five close calls of me passing out, and fourteen stitches later we made it out of the doctors office. Presley is doing great now. She told me that her fingers still hurt and I am having to kiss them a lot.
pooor poooor presley!! Kisses!!
What a trooper. I am soo glad that she is doing okay. Love those blue fingers.
Poor Presley is she okay, that really looks like it hurts,
Much love and it is so nice to see that how your family is doing. I miss my best friend in utah.
Love ya girl
Colorado springs,
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